Sunday, January 9, 2011

January 9, 2011 Having Fun with Alpacas!

I've never heard anyone talk about having fun with livestock...nor have I ever read anything about having fun with cows or pigs or I can tell you I know nothing about having fun with other livestock. I do know that you can have fun and breathtaking moments with alpacas!

Alpacas are curious creatures and, at times, they are timid when investigating something. They can be much like cats in being inquisitive and timid at the same time. They never like to go any place without other alpacas and want the rest of the herd to go with them in exploration.

Since I board my alpacas, I usually take beet pulp with molasses in a used coffee can out to the pastures with me. Alpacas have very good memories and as soon as they hear my voice, they know to coming running to the fences. One quiet winter morning,

they heard my voice and several pastures of alpacas started running towards the fences. What a sight and thrill at the same time!

We've done obstacle work with some of the alpacas and were working on learning the limbo which they adjusted to quite well. They have learned to walk up stairs and have allowed us to "dress" them up in sun glasses and bandanas, especially since one boy had John Lennon-type bangs and was willing to pose for pictures!

Maximus was playing hide and seek with me in the picture as I brought the camera with me. What an absolute joy to be with your own alpacas, see them pronking (jumping straight up in the air), and chase each other around in the pastures as crias! Talk about stress relief and genuine laughter with alpacas!

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Standing on the mound