Saturday, January 1, 2011

January 1, 2011 Cocooning in Alpaca

Brrr! The weather is chilly and I'm thinking about alpaca clothing! Hoping to share the passion about alpacas and their fiber with you in addition to the passion for alpaca clothing.

Living in northeast Ohio during our cold winters has been a challenge and I had tried many different ways to stay warm which never worked. I decided that I was a "freeze baby" and just needed to turn up the heat in the winter. The last coat I bought in that experiment was a long leather coat that weighed 10 lbs. Although I was warm, I could hardly move and was exhausted from walking around with such a heavy coat!

When I purchased my first alpacas, I began searching for alpaca clothing and soon discovered Extreme alpaca socks which are among the warmest I have ever worn. As I added my alpaca clothing to the wardrobe, I finally understood the importance of layering in alpaca which I call "cocooning" in alpaca. Alpaca socks, sweaters, gloves, hat, coat, longjohns, and Extreme alpaca socks soon became the norm for the coldest of winter days. No more freezing during the winter and I wanted to tell the world about the "miracle" of alpaca cocooning!

Have you ever cocooned in alpaca?

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