Thursday, January 6, 2011

January 6, 2011 Alpaca Longjohns!

LONGJOHNS? Have you ever worn longjohns? We laughed about them as visions of old, country men in itchy longjohns come to mind. Who wears longjohns now?

We do and they are alpaca longjohns that are lightweight, warm, and soft next to the skin. We no longer have to freeze in the cold with alpaca longjohns and Extreme Alpaca socks! They can be worn under regular clothing to go out in the cold or under other wear, such as warmup suits, while at home on those cold winter days and nights!

My 81 year old mother wears her alpaca longjohns every day from fall to spring and loves them. Her 85 year old friend, Emma, wears hers too, although some times she thinks they are leotards and wears them around the house with her house slippers!

Regardless of whether you are young or just young at heart, consider alpaca longjohns if you hate freezing in the winter cold. You will absolutely love them and they are a Godsend when going out to the barn!

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