Thursday, January 20, 2011

January 20, 2011 The Joy of Spinning Alpaca

Part of the joy of spinning alpaca is the joy of plying what you have spun. There is a sense of gratification to be in the final stages of your project. This time I am plying alpaca fiber that was handspun to make a few skeins of yarn to dye. White and fawn fiber are the best colors to dye which is also a delightful next step.

Part of the challenge of dyeing alpaca fiber which dyes very well is to decide on the colors to be used for the product to be made. Out of all of the beautiful colors available, which ones will be the best to use to complement each other. Of course, each batch of dyed alpaca fiber can be different from the last which means you want to dye sufficient fiber for your product as you may not be able to perfectly replicate the colors.

What an amazing opportunity to be creative!

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