Friday, January 7, 2011

January 4, 2011 Felting Fibers

Did you know that felt is the oldest textile known to man and that it dates to approximately 7,000 BC? It was the first textile known to man and came before spinning, knitting, and weaving. It is nonwoven fiber that can be produced in a variety of ways, such as: needlefelting, wet felting, machine needlefelting, and now felting with the Ryobi portable sander! An ancient textile with a modern day adaption of woodworking machinery.

Check out some of the items made by felting with the Ryobi portable sander and hatshapers. More pictures will be coming of felted alpaca hats in addition to those shown here. Also shown is a purse of felted llama covered with leather trim that was knitted on the knifty knitter!

Almost anything can be made with felting and recent independent

research revealed that alpaca is one of the best fibers to use for felting!

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